Becoming a mother is a wonderful feeling, but for the woman who holds the baby in her lap for 9 months and after delivery, this experience can also be accompanied by many health problems. Women face many health-related problems after delivery, like postpartum depression, hair fall, piles, weight gain, swelling and pain in breasts, problems in urination, and weakening of the pelvis after C section. Most women are not able to concentrate on themselves after giving birth to a child, due to which the shape of their body can also deteriorate.

In such a situation, whether the baby is born through normal delivery or C section, after delivery, women should be active in improving their mental and physical health through a balanced diet and yoga. Along with toning the body, yoga also helps in stabilizing the mind and reducing stress. It also helps in recovering core strength. Let us know which yogasanas should be practiced by a new mother i.e. a woman after delivery.

To strengthen the core after C-section delivery, the new mother should practice Bhujangasana. This asana strengthens the spine, butt muscles, chest, abdomen, shoulders and lungs. Along with reducing belly fat, it is helpful in relieving stress. Also tones the muscles of the shoulders, stomach, and chest.

Cat Cow Pose
To keep weight under control after delivery, you can practice Cat-Cow Pose or Marjari Asana. This asana brings flexibility to the spine and improves blood circulation in the body.

After the birth of the child, as the weight of the new mother increases, she may face problems like muscle pain and back pain. The practice of Balasana is effective in relaxing muscles and improving blood circulation. This asana provides relief from pain and discomfort and also improves sleep.