After the scorching heat, now the monsoon has knocked, due to which happiness can be seen on the faces of the people. While the rain has made the atmosphere pleasant, it has also invited many diseases along with it. This amount of moisture can lead to fungal infections and many other diseases. In such a situation, we need to take care of our health in the changing season. Let us tell you some tips by which you can take better care of your health in this rainy season.

Avoid mosquitoes
During the rainy season, dengue and malaria mosquitoes thrive due to waterlogging at various places, which can make you sick. In such a situation, it is important that you do not allow water to accumulate anywhere around the house and also keep changing the water of the cooler used inside the house. Use mosquito repellent cream and mosquito nets.

Personal hygiene
In such weather, it is very important to take care of personal hygiene to avoid getting wet in the rain. Some people become lazy due to the coolness of the rainy season, in such a situation, daily bathing is very important to avoid infection.

Be careful in eating
It will be better if you avoid eating outside food during the rainy season. Things kept on the roadside can make you sick, so eating home-cooked food and drinking dirty water during the rainy season increases the risk of spreading diseases.

Healthy meal
If it is cold due to rain, it is natural that one would feel like drinking something hot. You have coffee, herbal tea, and soup. Consume more and more fruits and green vegetables in the diet.

Avoid cold things
The weather is cold and hot during the rains, so there is a constant temperature change. In such a situation, you need to avoid cold foods like cold drinks, curd, cold coffee, and ice cream.