Mishri Health Benefits: Mishri is a type of unrefined sugar, which is used in dishes, refreshments, and even medicines. Mishri is very small in size and is often consumed as a refreshment. However, there are countless benefits of small-sized sugar candy, which you may be surprised to know about. Not only is it a better alternative to sugar, but the minerals present in it also fight inflammation and benefit health in many ways.

Health benefits of sugar candy
Due to the cooling effect of sugar candy, it is commonly used in drinks during the summer season. Its use calms the mind and body. It gives instant energy and at the same time relaxes the body. So let's know about the 6 benefits of eating sugar candy:

Rich in minerals
Mishri is loaded with minerals like calcium, iron, and phosphorus, which maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Improves digestion
Consuming sugar candy is believed to stimulate the digestive system by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes, which help break down food quickly and effectively.

Provides relief in cold and cough
Sugar candy works to soothe the throat, so it is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural cough remedy. It is believed that sugar candy has certain medicinal properties and essential nutrients, which help in providing quick relief from these conditions. If black pepper, and sugar candy with ghee is eaten with a sore throat, then immediate relief can be found.

Energy boosting agent
You can get instant energy by eating sugar candy. This is because the amount of sugar in it is very high.

Reduce stress and anxiety
Mishri has been shown to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and brain and thus can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Fights inflammation
Sugar candy contains glycyrrhizin, a natural compound that has anti-inflammatory properties and, according to Ayurveda, works to reduce inflammation in the body.