Often you or your close ones must have felt trouble while boiling milk because this work is not as simple as it looks. Usually, when we keep milk on the gas to boil, suddenly some important work is remembered and when you return to the kitchen, you get upset seeing that the milk has boiled out of the pot and the gas But it has spread. Apart from this, the milk sticks to the utensil in such a way that it is difficult to clean it. Come, today we are going to tell you such tricks by which milk will neither curdle nor stick if followed.

How to boil milk
1. First of all soak the inner bottom of the utensil in which you are going to boil milk with water, if you do this then the milk will not stick to the utensil and then it will be easy for you.

2. This other method is quite famous. For this, when you boil milk in a vessel, put a small spoon in it. By doing this the milk will not boil out.

3. The next remedy is also similar to this, whenever you heat milk in a pan, put a wooden spoon over it, it is also called a spatula. Milk will not come out from this and only steam will be visible.

4. If you do not want to let the milk boil and spread, apply a layer of butter on the sides of the utensil in which the milk is kept. This will make you rest assured.

5. If you mix half a spoon of sodium bicarbonate while boiling milk, not only will the milk not boil and fall on the gas, but it will also remain fresh for a long time.