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Let us tell you that not only health but also skin has to be taken care of in the changing season because many people have to face skin-related problems in humid and humid weather. In such a situation, people can adopt many methods to prevent pimples and spots and tanning on their faces. Through this article, we will tell you some such skin care tips, by following which men can keep their skin healthy and glowing for a long time. Let us know in detail about these skin care tips through this article –

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* Cleansing :

To control the extra oil coming onto the skin, the face should be washed thoroughly at least twice a day. Use a cleanser that is oil-free. It works to clean clogged pores. Along with this, using it also helps in avoiding pimples, extra oil, dirt, and sweat, for this, you must give your face twice a day.

* Exfoliate :

Exfoliating is very important to keep the skin healthy for a long time, doing this helps in removing the dead skin cells deposited on your skin, apart from this it also opens the pores of the skin. You can use mild scrubs for your skin. Its use helps in protecting against skin irritation.

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* Use water-based moisturizer:

Use of lightweight moisturizer should be used in this humid weather. In this case, you can use water-based moisturizer for your skin. This will keep you from getting greasy skin. And with this, your skin will also remain hydrated.

* Sunscreen :

Sunscreen should be used for healthy and glowing skin. Using this, your skin is protected from harmful UV rays, so before going out, make sure to use sunscreen on the face, so that you can save your skin from the problem of tanning.

* Drink plenty of water:

To keep the skin always hydrated, you should drink plenty of water because by drinking plenty of water, the toxins accumulated in the body come out. Drinking plenty of water naturally brightens your skin.

* Oil Absorbing Sheet :

Let us tell you that if your skin is more oily then you can use oil absorbing sheet to control the extra oil of the skin. Using this sheet will help prevent the spread of dirt and bacteria. Apart from this, you should avoid touching your skin again and again.