Men Dark Lip Remedies: Whether it is a woman or a man, no one likes the blackness of the lips. On the one hand, while ladies keep trying new remedies for pink lips, on the other hand, gents ignore it. Dark lips can be caused by many reasons, including genetics, unhealthy lifestyle, and some medical conditions. However, many home remedies can help in getting rid of dark lips. Today in this article, we have come up with some tips for men, with the help of which they can get rid of dark lips.

What to do to get rid of male dark lips?
Lemon juice: Lemon is a natural bleaching agent, which can help lighten dark lips. Simply apply some lemon juice on the lips and leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off with water. Try it daily for better results.

Sugar Scrub: Mix some sugar with olive oil or honey to make a scrub. Massage it gently on your lips for a few minutes and then wash off. This will help in exfoliating the lips and removing dead skin cells.

Beet juice: Beetroot is rich in antioxidants and will help lighten dark lips. Just apply some beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed at night and leave it overnight. Wake up in the morning and wash it.

Cucumber: Cucumber has both cooling and brightening properties, which can help reduce pigmentation on the lips. Cut the cucumber into pieces and rub them on your lips for a few minutes. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before washing it off with water.

Almond oil: Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E and can help moisturize and lighten dark lips. Before sleeping, apply some almond oil on the lips and leave it overnight.

It has to be noted here that depending on the severity of the pigmentation, its results may vary and it may take time to see these results. At the same time, this problem also increases due to smoking or excessive caffeine intake, so it is advised to change these habits.

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