Stuffed Parathas Without Breaking: Parathas are made every day in the kitchens of Indian homes. People like to eat paratha from breakfast to lunch or dinner. People like stuffed paratha a lot. Stuffed Parathas include many types of Parathas, like Potato Parathas, Paneer, Onion, Dal, Radish, Spinach Bathua Parathas, etc. Paratha is stuffed with vegetables, lentils, or cheese and cooked. They are delicious to eat but are often difficult to prepare. Paratha often gets torn while filling the dough ball with stuffing material and rolling it. This brings out the masala. Many times the masala of stuffed paratha gets collected in one place while rolling and the middle often feels like a thick roti. In this way the fun of stuffed paratha gets spoiled. If you want to make stuffed paratha, then you can make nice, soft stuffed paratha by adopting some easy methods. The paratha will not tear while rolling and the masala will not come out.

Tips for making stuffed paratha

-When kneading the dough to make stuffed paratha, knead it a little tight. Tight dough makes stuffed paratha nice and soft.

-When stuffing is to be filled in the dough to make paratha, keep the edges and middle thick while spreading it. Due to this, the masala does not burst and come out while rolling.

-While stuffing, fill the paratha with spices by pressing gently.

-When rolling the dough with filling, use flour on both sides of the dough. This will make it easier to roll the paratha.

-While making stuffed paratha, mix salt in the flour and use less salt in the stuffing. Salt releases water and if there is too much salt in the stuffing, the dough will become wet and tear while rolling.

-Often people, because they like more stuffing in paratha, fill the dough with too much masala and roll it, due to which the paratha bursts. If you make more stuffing then spread it with the help of hands.