A wedding is the most special day in any girl's life when she becomes a bride and wants to look the most beautiful on this day. Every girl wants to look perfect on this special day and that is why she pays attention to every little thing from her outfit to her makeup. But many times in the excitement of marriage, some make such mistakes related to makeup, due to which their look gets spoiled and later they have to repent. You need to be alert to avoid any such problem. So today in this episode, we are going to tell you about those mistakes related to makeup that can overshadow the bride's look. Let's know about them...

Do not try anything new in makeup
People start doing new experiments while getting bridal makeup done. You should avoid doing this. It sometimes backfires and ruins your look completely. If you want a new look for yourself, then try all these before marriage. Only after this, adopt it on the wedding day. Otherwise, it can completely spoil your makeup.

Facial on same day
An idle facial should be done about 2-3 days before any special function. Due to deep cleaning, many times there is a problem of acne or redness on the face. In such a situation, a margin of two or three days helps the face to become normal. On the other hand, if a same-day facial is done and these problems come to the fore, then it will be difficult to hide its effect from the face during the function.

The make-up trial before marriage
Most people do make a mistake. That mistake is not doing a make-up trial. While booking bridal makeup, take a trial of makeup. See if the makeup is done to your liking or not. If you do not like makeup then you can look for other options.

Don't cut hair
Getting any kind of new haircut a week before the wedding can be the biggest mistake of your life. That's why whatever haircut is to be done, decide it a month before the wedding. So that nothing goes wrong on the wedding day.

Pop the pimple
This is the worst thing that you do before your marriage. Popping acne will leave a big scar on your face which will cause inflammation of the skin. Therefore, if there are pimples, do not make the mistake of bursting them at all. You simply rub ice on the swelling.

Body makeup
Do you know why the skin of Beetown actresses appears to be one tone? Body makeup has a big hand behind it. The foundation which is being used for the face is also applied to the rest of the body parts. With this, when the photo is taken, everything from face to neck, ears, hands, etc. appears in one tone. But if the focus is only on the face and neck, then the difference will be caught in the photo.

Not drinking enough water
By the way, everyone should generally drink 8-10 glasses of water in a day. But a week after your wedding this rule should be strictly maintained as water will keep your skin fresh. Many times girls start being negligent towards their food and drink due to the stress of marriage, but you should not do this even by mistake.