Everyone likes the rainy season. There is a lot of desire to travel in this season. Even though there are many problems due to this season, but despite that everyone enjoys the rain. The humidity starts getting very high during the rainy season, due to which women are very much afraid that their makeup may get spoiled due to humidity.

Although women do less makeup in the rain, lipstick is such a product, without which no woman ever comes out. After applying lipstick in the rainy season, it gets removed due to humidity. Due to this, in today's article, we are going to tell you some such tips, by adopting which you can maintain your lipstick for a long time. For this, you just have to take care of some things.

Exfoliate your lips
Exfoliation of lips will make your lips soft. With its help, the dry skin of the lips is removed. After doing this, your lipstick will not come off easily.

Do apply moisturizer
Do apply moisturizer on the lips even in the rainy season. If you do this, your lips will not dry even after applying lipstick.

Apply primer
Always use a primer after applying moisturizer on the lips, so that the lipstick stays on your lips for a long time.

Give priority to waterproof lipstick
Always prefer waterproof lipstick in the rainy season. It lasts for a long time even in rain and humidity.

Use tissue
If you want your lipstick to last longer in the humidity, then first apply the lipstick and then press the tissue between the two lips. By doing this the lipstick will also become waterproof.

Take help of blotting paper
If your lips are very dry, then first of all remove the moisture present on the lips with the help of blotting paper. After this, if you apply lipstick, it will last for a long time.

(PC: Freepik)