Summer is here! In such a situation, the clothes are changed and washed daily due to dirt and sweat. Sometimes people change clothes even twice a day to avoid the smell of sweat. Now taking care of hygiene is a good thing, but washing clothes, again and again, worsens the condition, so differently.

Have you ever wondered how much time you could save if you knew a few laundry hacks? Just thinking of this, we have brought some such hacks for you, which can reduce your work in half.

Remove wrinkles without an iron

After washing the clothes in the washing machine, many wrinkles fall on them. After washing so many clothes, it becomes very difficult to iron them. If you want to get rid of these wrinkles without iron, try these hacks. Spray a little water on the clothes and then dust them thoroughly. You'd be surprised how well this trick can take wrinkles out of clothing.

Remove odor with rubbing alcohol

If you are short of time and want to remove the odour from your clothes, then try this trick. Fill a spray bottle with 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol and 2 cups water; add to the fabric, and then iron. The smell of clothes will go away. You can also use alcohol like vodka instead.

Remove chewing gum from the ice

Many times children put chewing gum or other sticky substances in clothes while playing, which becomes very difficult to remove. In this case, you can use ice. Rub ice over the chewing gum. With this he will start coming out slowly. Then wash them as you are washing the rest of the clothes.

Chalk a grease stain

What to do if there is grease on a cloth and it is not getting removed even after washing? As soon as you see grease on the cloth, immediately apply chalk to it. You can also sprinkle talcum powder after that clean it slowly with tissue paper. Before washing the clothes, apply detergent to that area and rub it clean. The grease stain will also lighten to a great extent.

Do not dry clothes in the hot sun

In summer the sun is so strong that after washing your clothes get dried within 40-50 minutes. Clothes dry quickly in this sun, but there is also a fear of their spoiling. There is a high risk of fading clothes in such strong sunlight. Never dry your dark clothes in the hot sun. Find a place where there is a shade to dry the clothes. Apart from this, do turn the clothes in 10-10 minutes.

Dry clothes like this

There are days when you just don't have enough time to wait for clothes to dry before leaving the house. In that case, this easy laundry hack will come in handy when putting clothes in the dryer, put 1 dry towel in it as well. This will absorb the moisture of the wet clothes and the clothes will dry quickly. Remove the towel after 15-20 minutes and watch the awesomeness.

Follow these tricks and see how easy it will become from washing your clothes to drying them

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