Whenever a person's blood pressure is high, there is greater danger to his life. Not only this, but due to high blood pressure the body becomes a victim of many serious diseases. In the same way, low blood pressure is also harmful to health. Let us tell you that the normal blood pressure of a healthy person is 120/80 mm Hg. If anything goes beyond this range, then the blood pressure is low or high.

If a person's blood pressure falls below 90/60 mm Hg, it is called low blood pressure or hypotension. If it becomes higher than the normal range then it is called high blood pressure. But you have to keep in mind that health can remain healthy only when blood pressure is normal. But due to today's messed up lifestyle, this is not possible and lows keep on rising.

When there is a lack of water in a person's body, the BP starts becoming very low. This is one of the biggest reasons. Therefore, you need to drink an adequate amount of water. So that there is no shortage of water in the body. Along with this, we will tell you an Ayurvedic solution. Let us know….

Consume this salt-
If you want to keep your BP normal then take it in a glass of normal water. Mix 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan salt i.e. rock salt in it and drink it. With this, your blood pressure will remain normal. If your BP has become low then drinking salt water like this will provide immediate relief. According to Ayurveda, Himalayan salt is very beneficial for health. This salt removes the defects of Vata, Pitta, and phlegm accumulated in your chest.

Let us tell you, Himalayan i.e. rock salt contains a sufficient amount of potassium. By consuming blood pressure can be controlled. Drinking it mixed with water will reduce blood pressure immediately.

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