In today's era, everyone has become fashion conscious. Along with domestic and foreign brands, indigenous remedies are also widely adopted to enhance beauty. Aloe Vera is one such home remedy. The market is filled with beauty products with its name but using aloe vera directly is also very beneficial. It is also applied on burns.

Today everyone's desire is to have glowing, spotless skin. Beauty parlors open in every street make strong claims of improving the skin. Cosmetics shops are also full of such beauty products. Now there is a trend of natural and herbal products. Among these, Aloe Vera has become a well-known brand.

The market is filled with beauty products made from aloe vera. Be it face wash or cream, there is aloe vera in everything. In such a situation, if it is better to use aloe vera grown at home rather than using a market product, why not use it directly? It has a storehouse of nectar and medicinal properties for the face. Professor Vijay Malik, Head of Botany Department, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, claims that those who use aloe vera gel will also have good skin.

Professor Vijay Malik said that this is a medicinal plant which is known worldwide by the name Aloe Vera. You will find more than 500 species of it all over the world. He told that if people break an aloe vera leaf and apply the gel extracted from it on the skin, it will start glowing.

Aloe vera gel contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin B. It provides ample nourishment to the skin.

If you also want to use aloe vera. So you can cut the upper part of aloe vera with a knife or other means. Its upper layer is harmful. Therefore, clean it thoroughly with a knife.

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