So be careful... Changing the color of lips is not an unknown thing, in fact, it can be a sign of some serious disease. You must have noticed that in childhood our lips are pink in color, but as we grow up, this pink color starts changing to black. Many times such situations arise when our lips start appearing white or purple, in such a situation, what is the reason behind this, let us know…

Health experts say that changing the color of lips is a sign of diseases in the body, that is, if your lips start appearing red-yellow or black, then understand that your health needs care. Let us understand it in detail...

This is the meaning of lip color
1. Red Lips

If your lips are red, then understand that you have some liver-related disease. Normally the lips should appear pink, but if the lips turn red then it can become a problem for the liver. Health experts say that when there is some kind of disturbance in our liver, the color of the lips starts turning red, which is a clear message that the body is struggling with some kind of allergy.

2. Black Lips
Many times we must have seen the color of lips black in people, this is because people who use more beauty products, their lips turn black with time. Not only this, but the color of the lips of people addicted to cigarettes also starts getting dark.

3. White Lips
When the color of your lips starts turning yellow and white, it means that you are a victim of anemia. Yes... after being affected by anemia, the lips become white due to a decrease in blood. Apart from this, our lips start turning white when the level of bilirubin starts increasing.

(PC: Freepik)