In today's life, we often hear how important it is to be physically active to stay healthy. But do you know that physical fitness is not only important for reducing obesity or strengthening muscles, but it also plays an important role in improving our mental health? When we exercise, our body produces chemicals called endorphins, also known as 'happy hormones'. Endorphins reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and make us feel positive. Apart from this, regular exercise also increases the level of neurotransmitters in the brain, which helps in learning and strengthening memory. Learn about the positive effects of physical activity on mental health.

Edge off

During exercise, our body reduces the level of stress-causing hormone cortisol. Also, the production of endorphins reduces stress and calms the mind.

prevention from depression

Regular exercise has proven to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. During exercise, positive chemicals are produced in the brain, which helps in reducing symptoms of depression and increasing self-confidence.

Improve sleep

Being physically active helps in getting good sleep at night. Good sleep reduces stress and increases mental clarity.

Increase self-esteem

Regular exercise not only improves physical fitness but also increases self-confidence and self-esteem. Achieving goals and seeing yourself improve keeps morale high.

Mental alertness

Exercise accelerates brain function and strengthens memory. Additionally, it also reduces the risk of mental weaknesses that occur with aging.

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