Children who have loving relationships with their parents grow up to be more kind and helpful to others. In contrast, those who have stressful or abusive childhoods with their families are less likely to develop prosocial traits such as empathy, generosity, kindness, and helpfulness.

These findings have come to light in a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Development. According to a Cambridge University study, having a close relationship with one's parents for three years also reduces mental health problems during adolescence. What opinion a person has towards society is determined by the environment he got in his childhood.

The researchers asked several questions to the participants. In these, they were asked what they would do if someone got hurt, do you have any complaints against their family, any painful incident that happened in the family during their childhood, what the attitude of their parents towards them in their childhood, what will you do in future. What kind of relationship would you like to have with your children etc? The study was conducted based on answers received to these questions.

The environment we get in childhood leaves an impactful impression.

Ioannis Katsantonis, the lead author of the study, said that our early relationship with our parents leaves an impactful impression till we grow up. The environment received in childhood helps to determine the personality of a person. These findings came to light in a study conducted on 10 thousand people born in Britain between 2000 and 2002.

Good conduct is important:

Researchers said that parents should maintain the same conduct as they want to give to their children. Whatever children see and hear gets imprinted in their nature. Therefore, whatever you say in front of children should always be said thoughtfully. At the same time, elders often use abusive language towards children. This can remain in the minds of children forever. Their behavior towards people also becomes the same.

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