In the summer season, due to sweating on the face, the skin becomes oily. Because of this, the problem of pimples and pigmentation starts in many parts of the face. Dead skin starts accumulating especially on the chin and blackness starts coming. Sometimes due to tanning, blackness starts appearing on the chin. This can spoil your look. This blackness of the chin takes away the attractiveness of the face. In such a situation, everyone wants that the blackness of the chin should be removed as soon as possible. Today, in this episode, we are going to give you information about some such measures, with the continuous use of which this problem can be overcome. Let us know about these measures…

Prepare a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a little turmeric, and rose water. Now apply that paste on the chin and massage it for two to three minutes and then leave it to dry. After drying, clean the chin thoroughly, do this two to three times a week, due to which the color of the chin will also start to improve. And there will be no problem with blackheads on the chin.

Gram flour
Gram flour has always been used in skin care. A good exfoliator for the chin can be prepared from gram flour. For this, you have to take one spoon of gram flour, one spoon of milk, and one spoon of rose water. If you want, you can also take plain water. Prepare a paste by mixing all three things and scrubbing the face with it. The pigmentation fades away quickly when the skin is exfoliated.

You can use a coffee scrub to remove the blackness seen on the chin. Coffee scrub is very easy to make. For this, you will need milk, honey, and coffee. Mix 1 teaspoon of milk and half a teaspoon of honey in 1 teaspoon of coffee. Scrub the skin with this mixture. This will clear the dirt accumulated on the skin and remove dead cells.

First, wash a small potato and grate it. Now take this potato pulp in your hand and rub it on the skin around the mouth. During this, press your lips towards the inside of the mouth. So that the surrounding skin can be tight and you can rub the potato paste comfortably. After a minute, bring the lips to a normal position and then rub the potato paste. By doing this, potato juice will go well in the skin pores and will help in stopping melanin production. Just rubbing potatoes for 10 minutes every day will be enough. Then wash and clean the face and apply aloe vera gel.

Turmeric has been used for years to improve the skin, in such a situation, turmeric is very beneficial in removing the blackness of the skin of the chin and also in improving the skin. To use it, make a paste of turmeric and milk. After that massage your chin with this paste. After massaging, clean the chin thoroughly. You will get benefited.

Raw milk
If there is a problem with pigmentation in the skin, then you can use raw milk. Mix honey in 2 spoons of raw milk. Scrub the chin lightly with this mixture. After the scrubbing, clean the skin with normal water. Raw milk has exfoliating properties. This also removes the problem of tanning.

You have to mix 1 tsp gram flour, 1 tsp milk, 1 tsp semolina, and 1 tsp rose water in a bowl. Then gently rub the chin with this mixture. After this, leave this mask on the chin for 10 to 20 minutes. Then you clean it with water.

Rose water
Prepare a mixture by mixing half a cup of rose water, 1 teaspoon of glycerin, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, these three things together. Keep this mixture in the fridge and apply it on the whole face twice a day. But do massage for some time by applying it around the mouth. You can use this mixture by storing it in the fridge for 15 days. And within 15 days the blackness of your face will go away.

Aloe Vera
Apply aloe vera gel on the chin every night before sleeping and leave it on the chin overnight. After that, wake up in the morning and clean the chin while taking a bath. Do this regularly for a few days, and slowly the blackness of the chin will start going away. If you want, you can also apply aloe vera gel on the whole face, it helps in improving your whole face.

Lemon and sugar
Darkness is seen in the chin due to the problem of pigmentation. You can use a mixture of lemon and sugar to remove blackness. Mix lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Apply this mixture to the chin area. You can use this scrub 2 to 3 times a week.