Tea is our favourite drink of all of us. The day starts with tea. Some tea lovers drink it several times a day. Its consumption increases even more in winter. If you are also fond of tea, then start the day with lemon tea instead of milk tea. Although drinking lemon tea is beneficial in every season, in winter it can prove to be more beneficial for you. Let us know why lemon tea should become a part of the routine in winter.

Benefits of drinking lemon tea in winter

  • Drinking lemon tea can be beneficial because lemon tea contains vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin b6, and niacin, powerful antioxidant, and antibacterial properties.
  • Immunity becomes weak during the winter season and you fall ill again and again. In such a situation, Vitamin C present in lemon boosts your immunity and increases your ability to fight infection.

  • Drinking lemon tea boosts your metabolism. This helps you burn fat and prevents you from gaining weight.
  • Lemon tea has antibacterial and antiviral properties, consumption of which helps you in getting rid of infections. Even if you catch a cold due to bacteria or viruses, consuming it can give you relief.

  • The body can be detoxified by drinking lemon tea. Detoxification also prevents diseases from increasing.
  • Drinking lemon tea improves calcium absorption. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of calcium. This can strengthen your bones.

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