Today we have come up with ways to consume mangoes to control diabetes. Mango can be eaten in small portions, with a protein, or as a standalone snack instead of a part of a meal to prevent sugar spikes.

Mango with curd can be consumed as a smoothie as this will further lower the GI (200 ml).

It is best to take it mid-morning or mid-evening as a snack and not after meals. One can also mix it in a milkshake by crushing 7-8 almonds.

Do not consume mango immediately after or along with your regular meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). Although it can be taken as a meal like a breakfast smoothie.

There are lots of processed pulp available in the market, these (canned/frozen) should not be eaten. Fresh is better any day.

If you want to consume mango with your protein for slow release, you can mix 1 scoop of vanilla/chocolate protein, 100-150g of mango, and 100 ml milk. It is not a post-workout drink but just an extra protein food that you can substitute for breakfast.