You must have seen Flamingo many times, often they are seen standing on one leg. Ever wondered why they do this? Scientists have answered, know why they do this?You must have seen Flamingo i.e. flamingo many times, often they are seen standing on one leg. Have you ever wondered what are the benefits of standing on one leg? Scientists have debated its answer for a long time. But most scientists have agreed on one thing. Know what is the reason for the flamingo to stand on one leg for hours? (PS:

Many theories have been presented in answer to this question. According to the Britannica website, the first theory says, while using both legs for a long time, they feel tired. They feel this fatigue in their muscles. To remove this fatigue, the first stand on one leg, then after some time do the same with the other leg. (PS: Pexels)

The second theory says the flamingo keeps one leg glued to the body. By doing this he maintains his body temperature. According to the theory, due to the excessive use of wings and legs, the heat of the body decreases to a great extent. To keep it back, he keeps one leg up. There has been a long debate among scientists about both theories, but most scientists agreed with the first theory. (PS: Howitworks)

Dr. Paul Rose, a zoologist at the University of Exeter, says that flamingos stand on one leg to protect the muscles from fatigue. By doing this they try to save their energy. Even if you do not believe this, but they can stand on one leg for a long time, because there is a kind of locking system in their feet, due to which they can do so for a long time. (PS: Pexels)

Zoologist Dr. Paul Rose says, not only flamingos, ducks, and swans can also do this. In these too, this is the mechanism behind using the feet like this. There are such tendons and ligaments in their feet that help them to do so for a long time. (PS: Pexels)