If we talk about the most secure building in the world, it is the White House. The security of the White House is very high. Well, many people are still unaware that apart from the White House, there is another building whose security is much tighter. Today we will tell you which building has more security than the White House of America.

Which place is the most secure?

It is said that this place is the most secure place on the entire earth. That place cannot be praised enough. You will probably be surprised to know about the security of this place. Crores of rupees are spent every year for the security of this place.

Which building has the tightest security?

We're talking about Fort Knox. This is a building located in America. It is said that the security of this building is much more than that of the White House. This building is maintained by the United States Department of the Treasury. If reports are to be believed, a lot of gold has been kept in this building.

Why is security tight in this building

More than half of the gold in the US gold reserve is kept in this building. In such a situation, this building is taken very special care of. Reader's Digest report states that - No common person can go even close to this building. There are several kilometres of wires attached to this building.

What is there in this building

Along with 40 lakh kg of gold, some priceless Bibles are also kept in this building. Not only this, it is said that the original copy of the US Constitution is also kept in this building. In such a situation, the security of this building is kept very high. The gate of this building is made of steel and stone. People have been prohibited from coming near this building also.

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