Knees Darkness: To clean the face, we resort to various remedies. But often forget to clean the knees and elbows. In this case, the blackness of the knees and elbows increases. Many times you may have to face embarrassment because of this ignorance of yours. If you are also troubled by the blackness of your knees, then today we have brought a solution for you. Today we will tell you some such ways, by which you can remove the blackness of the knees in a few days. Let's know how to remove the blackness of the knees.

How to remove the blackness of knees?
To remove the blackness of the knees, you can take the help of many types of remedies. Let us know about some effective tips-

Coconut oil
To remove the blackness of the knees, apply coconut oil on your knees daily. The blackness of the knees can be removed by applying coconut oil. Coconut oil has the presence of vitamin E, which can moisturize the skin. Also, it is effective in repairing damaged skin. This can remove blackness.

Use lemon
Lemon juice can be used to remove the blackness of the knees. Lemon juice contains vitamin C, which can exfoliate dead cells from your skin. Also, it is effective in improving the toning of the skin. Mixing lemon juice with coconut oil and applying it, new cells are formed in your skin. This can remove the blackness of the knees.

Curd is beneficial
Use curd to remove the blackness of the knees. The lactic acid property present in curd improves skin toning. This keeps the moisture of your skin intact. If you want the blackness of your knees to go away, then mix a little vinegar in it and apply it on your knees. Wash your knees thoroughly after about 10 minutes. This can remove the blackness of the knees.