Some people are afraid of heights, some are afraid of the dark or snakes or spiders. But have you ever thought that some people may be afraid of going to the bathroom? Yes, this is also a type of phobia and it is known as poop phobia.

Wales-based model Emerald Barwise also had a poop phobia and at first, believed it was normal to stay away from the toilet for weeks. The 36-year-old complained of severe flatulence while working on the sets after staying away from toilets for two weeks.

During an event, Barwise revealed how her phobia affects her daily life. She spoke of being 'poo shy' and not going to the toilet often. She also told that whenever she skips going to the toilet for several weeks in a row, she looks pregnant on the sets.

She also talked to a dietician about a solution to her bowel movement problem. The model revealed that frequent bowel movements have started worrying her. Initially, she thought the symptoms were normal but gradually she started having problems. If any such phobia bothers you too, then let us know about it in detail through the article.

What is Poop Phobia?

However, poop phobia is a general term. This is called acrophobia 'fear of faeces'. In this phobia, there is a fear of even talking about defecation or faeces. In addition, it includes fear of negative health or social effects. The fear of hunting can cause extreme distress to a person. A person who feels this distress may do excessively uncomfortable, time-consuming things or engage in unhealthy compulsive rituals as a result of their OCD fears.

What are the things you are afraid of in Poop Phobia?

  • Is there poop on my clothes and my hands?
  • Using the bathroom for poop increases the risk of infection.
  • If I poop in public, people will laugh at me or judge me.
  • If I have poop marks on my clothes, I can be judged.
  • I might get hurt if I poop.
  • Someone didn't wipe properly and this bathroom is dirty.
  • If I poop, I'll never feel clean again.
  • If I go out in public, I might have to poop and can't find a bathroom.
  • I might get diarrhoea if I eat it.

Mental Effects of Poop Phobia

  • cleaning up after pooping a lot
  • wipe too much
  • Checking toilet paper to make sure no traces of faeces are left behind
  • Avoid using public restrooms
  • avoiding places where there are no bathrooms
  • checking clothing for poop
  • throwing away items that are or may be contaminated

Causes of poop phobia

A person with anxiety about poop may believe that people can hear, see, or smell them when they have a bowel movement.

A person who is anxious about poop may also experience poop phobia. This can make a person feel fearful about using a public restroom, about being too far from a toilet, not being able to use the bathroom when needed, or that the toilet is unclean.

These feelings of anxiety can increase muscle tension, which can make it harder to poop. This can create a cycle that can be hard to break without effective treatment.

What are the risks of constipation?

In a time when many people depend on simple carbohydrates and convenience foods, constipation has become a common occurrence. It refers to a condition in which one fails to have a proper bowel movement at least thrice a week. According to England's National Health Service (NHS), long-term constipation can have the following health effects:

  • Bowel incontinence
  • haemorrhoid
  • Faecal impaction – when a dry, hard mass of stool becomes stuck in the colon or rectum.

A person may also feel sick or have abdominal pain when experiencing constipation. One risk associated with chronic constipation is faecal impaction, which describes a buildup of hard, dry poop in the rectum.

Although faecal impaction is not common, it can prove fatal in extreme cases. Therefore it requires prompt treatment.

How to be regular

A person's diet can affect their risk of constipation. According to NIDDKD, the following steps can help a person avoid constipation and poop regularly:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Increasing dietary fibre
  • exercising regularly
  • having a bowel movement at the same time every day, if possible

If you also have any health-related problems, then tell us in the comment box below the article and we will try to solve them through our stories.

Image Credit: Freepik


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