The pressure cooker is an important part of our kitchen, without it it is difficult to prepare many recipes, especially dal and khichdi can be cooked easily by adding it, which saves gas and time to a great extent. But many times the cookers become old and even the pressure build-up does not happen. Like other things, the cooker also needs maintenance. Let us know some simple tips through which you can repair the dog as before. Sometimes due to our fault, this utensil does not work properly, to which it is necessary to pay attention.

How to fix the pressure cooker?
Started leaking steam

Many times it is seen that when you are cooking food, steam is leaking from around the lid of the cooker. The lid of your cooker may have become crooked, in which case it will not be right to fix it yourself because you are not an expert. Get it rectified by a mechanic in the market.

Pressure is not building up in the cooker
If the pressure is maintained properly in the cooker, then there are many problems in preparing the food. For this, the first thing you have to do is to check by taking out the rubber and see if it is not damaged from anywhere. Problems arise when there is even a slight cut in the rubber. The rubber of the cooker should be changed every 2 to 4 months.

Food is burning
When you are cooking food in the cooker and the recipes start sticking to its bottom, then the pressure may have started building up in the cooker. Extra pressure is dangerous as it may cause the cooker to explode and you may be the victim of an accident. For this, you get it repaired in the market.