Currently, the pink frost has been reversed and the cold has started. If you want to go out in such cold weather, you should have some winter collection in your closet. Varieties of winter collections have also come in the market these days.

But often we wonder how to wear these clothes. Or don't understand how to make the right, perfect combination of these clothes. So check out some of these trendy winter fashions.

1. Jute jackets

These jute jackets that reach up to the normal thighs look like an overcoat. Currently there are many varieties of such jackets available in the market and online. These jackets are available in the market from Rs. 700-800. Jeans, shirt and wearing this stylish jacket on it makes your winter look complete ...

2. Shall's new trend .. (shall and scarf)

In the past, how to wear a cold shawl on the body, it was said that it had to be wrapped all over the body. In addition, both hands are constantly stuck under the shawl or in the shawl. So now use this new type of shawl. Comfortable and stylish. You do not want to be frustrated if you cannot get the right pitch so invest in a good capo. So they want to wear a shirt straight from the neck to the body. These shawls are perfect for a western look.

3. Winter shoes

Currently, there is a huge winter collection not only in clothes but also in footwear. Low cut boots, ankle boots, knee high boots are used as fashion. The fact is that these shoes give a very stylish and stunning look.

4. Shrug and sweat shirts.

This is the most comfortable and relaxing thing on a cold day ... a pair of jeans and a shrug or sweatshirt on it when you're ready ... you can easily carry this look anywhere from a Thirtyfirst party to a movie, shopping. Shrugs and sweatshirts are available online and in the local market for as little as Rs 500-600.