There are many such unwanted places in the body where hair comes and many methods are tried to remove them. Among these unwanted hairs are underarm hairs which can sometimes embarrass you in front of others. Both men and women like to keep their underarms clean and they do shaving of underarms to remove hair. But it has been seen that many people have to face the problem of the blackness of underarms and itching or rashes after shaving. If you try some tips during underarms hair removal, then you will be saved from such problems. Let us know about the things to be kept in mind while shaving underarms…

Exfoliate the skin
Just like you need to exfoliate the skin to maintain its beauty of the skin, in the same way, you need to exfoliate the skin of the underarms before and after removing the hair from the underarms. If you are shaving to remove hair, exfoliate your underarms just before that. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and leaves you with smoother skin post-hair removal.

Be careful while using a razor
Do not use a multi-blade razor as such razor pulls and cuts the hair very close to the skin, which increases the risk of growing ingrown hair under the surface of the skin manifold. Never use a razor that has lost its edge. If you want clean and better shaving then use a sharp razor or an electric trimmer. If you feel that the razor is not running smoothly on the skin, then it is a sign that you should change your razor.

Wash the blade after every stroke
Wash your razor after you've completely removed the underarm hair, but also wash the blade after each stroke. If you don't, hair and dead skin will get caught in the blade and the shave won't be smooth. So for a perfect shave, wash it after every stroke. Also, keep the strokes short instead of long.

Stretch your arms
While removing the hair from the underarms, stretch the hands properly and lift them. If you do not stretch the underarms properly while shaving, it will leave your skin loose and the skin may get cut while shaving.