Japanese Water Therapy: Water is very important for our body. Lack of water in the body can cause many diseases. Experts recommend drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water a day. Lack of water can cause problems related to digestion, apart from this it also has a bad effect on skin and hair. Research conducted in many countries has proved that drinking water on an empty stomach benefits health in many ways. The Japanese people understand this very well. Water is an essential part of their lifestyle. Which helps to keep them fit and beautiful. So if you also want to stay fit and young, then adopt this Japanese water therapy. Let's know about this therapy.

What is Japanese Water Therapy?
In this therapy, you have to drink water first thing in the morning. If possible, drink lukewarm water. Due to this, all the toxins present in the body are easily removed. According to experts, drinking 4 to 5 glasses of water after waking up in the morning is beneficial for health in many ways. This improves metabolism, which makes weight loss easier.

What is the complete process of Japanese water therapy?
According to this therapy, water should be drunk 45 minutes after brushing. Drink water immediately after brushing and before eating anything. This keeps digestion right.

In this water therapy, one should never drink water while standing. Sit comfortably somewhere and then drink water slowly. Drink water always sips by sip. Do not gulp down water quickly.

Drink water for 30 minutes before eating anything. Don't drink water in between meals.

Do not drink too much water at once, but drink small amounts of water every two minutes.

By following this water therapy, the weight starts reducing rapidly, hair growth is good, and breakage and fall stop. The skin remains healthy and this therapy also reduces the effects of premature aging.
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