Honey has antiinflammatory and antiseptic properties with the help of which skin rashes can be removed. You add one teaspoon of water to 2 teaspoons of honey and then apply it to the itchy area with the help of cotton balls. When the honey dries, clean it with water.

Green coriander
You grind coriander leaves and mix them with lemon juice. Now apply this stomach in itching parts and leave for about 20 minutes. If you repeat this process 3 times daily, then there will be a lot of benefits.

Aloe vera gel
We are all aware of this that Aloe Vera Gel is considered very beneficial for our skin. You can use it to get relief from itching and rashes. You mix a few drops of tea tree oil with aloe vera gel. Apply it on the itchy area and wait for some time to dry and then wash it with clean water.

You must be using camphor for worship, but few people know that it is also good for the skin. If you apply camphor powder to the affected part, it will get relief from itching and rashes.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil has no shortage of vitamins and minerals, as well as the antifungal properties and anti-bacterial properties found in it can play an important role in removing itching, allergies and rashes. Your massage with coconut oil in the affected area.