Due to lack of blood, many diseases can affect the body. When there is iron deficiency in your blood, it can weaken the body. Iron deficiency is quite common in women. Due to this, problems like headaches, fatigue and feelings of weakness can occur. When iron, folic acid and vitamin B decrease in the body, haemoglobin level starts decreasing. Women often ignore its symptoms. But it is important to pay attention to this. To increase iron levels, the most important thing is to pay attention to diet.

If your diet is not right, then even taking expensive supplements will not solve your problem. Here we are telling you about 2 such things, eating which can easily remove anaemia in the body. Even experts consider these things told by grandmothers to be accurate. Dietician Nandini is giving information about this. Nandini is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Eat pistachios to overcome iron deficiency

If there is iron deficiency in your body, then to overcome it you should consume pistachios. Healthy fats, fibre, protein and vitamin 6 are found in abundance in pistachios. This removes blood deficiency in the body. Pistachios are a good source of iron. It helps in producing blood and also boosts immunity. Pistachios are very low in calories and hence it is also good for weight loss. You can eat pistachios plain or roasted. However, eating too many pistachios in a day can harm you. Therefore, consume it within limits only.

Walnuts will cure anaemia

Women must eat walnuts to overcome anaemia. Many essential vitamins and minerals are found in walnuts including anti-oxidants, and healthy fats. 14 grams of walnuts contain about 0.7 mg of iron, which can easily fulfil the iron deficiency in our body. It also reduces inflammation. Eating soaked walnuts will be more beneficial.

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