The formation, development, and progress of a nation depends on the contribution of the youth of a country. The role of youth is important for social, economic, and political conditions. In such a situation, it is important to understand the development of youth and the problems related to their lives. Knowing about the problems of the youth, their solution should be found, so that they can raise their voice for society.

International Youth Day is celebrated every year in August for the mental, and social development of the youth. Through Youth Day, there is an opportunity to get global recognition for the voice, actions, and meaningful initiatives of the youth. Through this article, know why and how International Youth Day is celebrated, as well as know the history, importance, and theme of this year of this day.

When is International Youth Day celebrated?

International Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12 August. This day is an important opportunity to highlight the voice, actions, and efforts of the youth and promote opportunities for their development.

When was Youth Day celebrated for the first time?

International Youth Day was first celebrated on 12 August 2000. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to celebrate this day on 17 December 1999. After this, International Youth Day was celebrated for the first time in 2000, which is celebrated every year on 12 August to date.

History of Youth Day

The year 1985 was declared the "International Youth Year". Seeing the success of this year, in 1995, the United Nations launched the "World Program for Youth". Later in 1998, the importance of youth development and participation was emphasized at the World Youth Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal.

The following year in 1999, the United Nations General Assembly declared 12 August as International Youth Day. This resolution was the result of the recommendations of the World Youth Conference and the "World Program for Youth".

Why do we celebrate Youth Day?
The main objective of celebrating International Youth Day is to recognize and encourage the role and contribution of youth. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of youth-related issues and create a favorable environment for their development.

The theme of International Youth Day 2024
The theme of International Youth Day 2024 (From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development) is 'From Clicks To Progress: Youth Digital Pathways For Sustainable Development'. This theme focuses on how to leverage digital technologies to advance progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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