The time has come for India to become Vishwa Guru. India is the world guru in terms of yoga. India has given international recognition to yoga and promoted cultural unity through yoga. Yoga is beneficial for physical and mental health. It keeps the body disease-free and provides peace to the mind. This activity related to Indian culture has now spread to foreign countries. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year and during this time people from all over the world practice yoga collectively.

Through this article, know when and why Yoga Day is celebrated, how the celebration of this day started, as well as what is the theme of Yoga Day 2024.

When is Yoga Day celebrated

International Yoga Day is celebrated globally on 21 June every year. The purpose of celebrating this day is to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and encourage the practice of yoga globally.

History of Yoga Day

For the first time on 27 September 2014, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi proposed to celebrate International Yoga Day in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. On 11 December 2014 of the same year, the United Nations General Assembly approved this proposal and announced to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day. This proposal got the support of 177 countries.

Yoga Day was celebrated for the first time on 21 June 2015. On this day, millions of people of the world practiced yoga collectively. In India, the main program was organized on the Rajpath of New Delhi, in which more than 35000 people participated.

Why is Yoga Day celebrated on 21 June only?

There is a special reason for setting the day of 21 June to celebrate Yoga Day. 21 June is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere, which is called summer solstice. This day is celebrated as the longest day of the year. After the summer solstice, the Sun enters Dakshinayan, which is considered important for yoga and spirituality. In such a situation, it was decided to celebrate this day as Yoga Day.

Importance of Yoga Day
Physical and Mental Health

Physical and mental health improves through yoga. The body remains healthy and is saved from falling prey to diseases. On the other hand, if someone is suffering from a disease, then regular yoga is also effective for its prevention.

Positive Lifestyle
Yoga encourages a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Meditation and yoga give mental peace, which brings positive thoughts and encourages people to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Cultural Unity
Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition, which has now become a part of global culture. Yoga connects yogis from different countries and abroad with each other and promotes cultural unity.

Theme of International Yoga Day 2024
Every year Yoga Day has a special theme. This year the theme of Yoga Day is based on women. The theme of International Yoga Day 2024 is 'Yoga for Women Empowerment'.

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