International Yoga Day 2023: Today, on the occasion of International Yoga Day, people all over the world are starting their day by doing yoga. In such a situation, it becomes very important to involve children in this as well, which will help in improving their physical and mental health. With the help of yoga, we remain physically fit and mentally fit. That is why it should be practiced by people of all age groups including children. Yoga can be a beneficial exercise for increasing concentration in children. In such a situation, here are some yogasanas, which will help in increasing concentration in them.

Tree pose (Vrikshasana)
This balancing pose helps improve focus and stability. Also, with its help, the leg muscles will be strengthened and stress will also be relieved. To do this, stand straight on one leg and place the other leg on the thigh of the first leg. Then join both hands and spread them upwards.

Eagle pose (Garudasana)
Concentration increases by doing this asana regularly in the morning. Performing this pose can be a bit difficult. For this, you have to bow slightly and wrap both your legs and hands around each other and make a shape like an eagle.

Warrior Pose-I (Virabhadrasana-I)
Warrior pose also helps with focus. Along with strengthening the muscles, this asana also increases blood circulation in the body. To do this asana, take one leg forward in the lunge position and then spread the arms upwards and focus on one place.

Butterfly pose (Baddha Konasana)
This asana is also called butterfly asana. Children can do this very comfortably. With the help of this asana, along with strengthening the muscles, concentration also increases. To do this, sit on the floor, bend both legs and make a shape like the wings of a butterfly by joining the soles together.

Child's Pose (Balasana)
This comfortable pose is considered beneficial for relaxing the body as well as achieving focus. To do this, sit on your knees on the floor and then coming down, join both ankles together, and then by moving your arms forward, put your forehead down on the mat.
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