Various media reports have been alerting about significant healthcare challenges among Indian women. Health experts say that Indian women are at risk of many types of diseases. Disturbances in lifestyle and diet are considered to be their main factors. Many reports suggest that rural Indian women, in particular, do not get enough nutrients from their diet, which may increase their risk of malnutrition and anemia.

International Women's Day is celebrated every year on 8 March to focus on issues like women's rights, equality and violence-abuse against women, promoting women's health.

Health experts said that Indian women may have a higher risk of some diseases, for which it is important to be alert and prevent them from an early age.

Risk of heart disease and its severity
Heart disease, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, is also seen to be at increased risk among Indian women. It is important to understand that heart disease also affects women differently than men. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menopause in women can hurt heart health. Additionally, gestational diabetes and other pregnancy complications can also increase the risk of cardiovascular problems later on.

The risk of heart attack in women also increases after menopause.

Bone disease
Bone-related problems are also being seen increasing in women due to lack of nutrition and lifestyle-related problems. In the last few years, young women have also been seen suffering from bone pain and weakness. Health experts say that women are at risk of losing bone density faster than men. Especially after menopause, due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the risk of bone thinning, structural problems, and osteoporosis increases significantly. Osteoporosis can also increase the risk of bone fractures and severe joint pain.

May be a victim of a urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) has also been a big challenge for women's health. Health experts say, 90 percent of women are at risk of getting UTI at some point. Bacterial infections are considered to be the most common cause of UTI. Women's physical structure gives them additional risk factors for becoming infected with a UTI. If UTI is not taken care of in time, there is a risk of kidney damage.

Risk of breast and cervical cancer
Health experts said the risk of breast and cervical cancer is seen to be higher in Indian women. Cervical cancer is a cancer that occurs in the cervix and can increase the risk of death. HPV vaccination is being promoted to prevent cervical cancer, these vaccines can help protect against the spread of this cancer-causing HPV virus and the risks caused by it.