As we age, the risk of health problems also increases. Its side effects are especially visible on women's health. Health experts say, after the age of menopause in women, many types of hormonal changes start occurring in the body, which can increase the risk of diseases in them.

Health experts say, by the time they reach menopause, most women become vulnerable to many types of diseases including heart and arthritis.

International Women's Day is celebrated every year on 8 March with the aim of focusing on issues like women's rights, equality and violence-abuse against women, promoting women's health. Let us know in this article about the health problems that occur in women with age and the measures to prevent them.

Problems occurring during menopause
Health experts say, your nutritional needs change as you age. For example, before menopause, you need about 1,000 mg of calcium per day, while later the amount increases to more than 1,200 mg. However, unfortunately most women do not get these essential nutrients for the body from their diet.

Apart from this, the condition of menopause (the time when your menstrual cycle stops, age 45-50 in India) also causes imbalance in many essential hormones which can put you at risk of many diseases.

Heart problems increase
Women often think that breast cancer is their biggest threat, but the biggest threat they face after menopause is actually heart disease. Experts say about one-third of women develop heart disease as they age, with heart attack rates in women starting to increase within about 10 years of menopause.

The main reason for this is the deficiency of estrogen hormone which helps in keeping the blood vessels flexible. When estrogen decreases, it can cause an increase in blood pressure and thickening of the artery walls. This condition is considered very harmful for the heart.

Can become victim of osteoporosis
According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine Research in 2017, women are 4 times more likely to develop osteoporosis than men. This is a disease in which bones become thin and weak and there is a risk of them breaking easily. According to the study, before menopause, women's bones are protected by estrogen, however the decrease in this hormone starts increasing the problems for bones.

How to take care of health after menopause
Doctors say some tips can help you live a healthy life after menopause.
Don't smoke, smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease.
Regular exercise is important. Make a habit of moderate exercise at least 4 days a week, walking for half an hour every day.
Control the amount of salt and sugar in the diet. If possible, avoid excessive consumption of them.
Controlling weight is important for good health. This can be beneficial in keeping heart and bones healthy.
It is very important to improve sleep, getting eight hours of sleep every night.
Stress has a negative impact on overall health. This can affect both physical and mental health.