Sleeplessness: The importance of sleep is very important to keep diseases away and to do day-to-day tasks well. 7-8 hours of sleep at night remove the tiredness of the whole day. Although many times it happens that people do not get sleep till late at night. Due to their weight, he is not able to sleep properly and many types of problems start happening. Due to lack of sleep, the mind and body do not get rest and they look upset, tired and lethargic the next day.

Due to lack of sleep, people feel lethargic, weak, lethargic and restless. In today's lifestyle, problems related to sleep are becoming an important part of people's lives, due to which the overall health of people is adversely affected. People who have the problem of not coming late at night can take the help of some home remedies. Ayurvedic medicines, spices and things used at home can be used to get good sleep.

If you are not able to sleep well at night, then massage mustard oil in your feet before sleeping. Massaging the soles of the feet reduces stress and relaxes the mind, which leads to better sleep.

Ashwagandha can help you sleep well. Drinking Ashwagandha powder mixed with lukewarm milk before sleeping at night reduces stress. With this, you can get quick and sound sleep.

Milk and honey
Drinking lukewarm milk before sleeping at night gives rest to the mind and also leads to good sleep. People who are not able to sleep due to excessive tiredness, drink lukewarm milk mixed with half a teaspoon of honey. Drinking milk with honey can solve the problem of sleeplessness.

Chamomile tea
The consumption of chamomile tea is considered good for relaxing the mind. Chamomile contains a compound called apigenin, which relieves problems related to sleep.