H3N2 Virus: These days the cases of cold cough and fever are increasing rapidly in the country. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a type of influenza virus is responsible for this. According to ICMR, for the last two-three months, there has been an increase in cases of fever and cold cough due to A subtype H3N2 of the influenza virus. It has also been told by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) that now the seasonal fever is spreading rapidly. That's why it has been advised to avoid taking antibiotics for fever or cold. IMA says that this fever subsides in three days but a cold and cough can last for 3 weeks. Due to pollution, cases of respiratory tract infection are also increasing in people below 15 and above 50 years.

According to WHO, there are four types of seasonal influenza viruses A, B, C and D. Seasonal flu spreads from A and B. Influenza A type is also considered to be the cause of the pandemic. It has two subtypes. First H3N2 and second H1N1... There are no subtypes of influenza type B but it can be lineages. Type C is considered very mild, which is not dangerous. Whereas, Type D spreads in cattle and animals.

What are the symptoms of influenza?
According to the information provided by the WHO, symptoms like fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, tiredness, sore throat and runny nose are seen in the grip of seasonal influenza. Due to the grip of infection, the fever of most people gets cured within a week, but it may take two or more weeks for the cough to get cured.

The biggest threat from H3N2
Although influenza can affect people of any age, pregnant women are most at risk. Along with children below 5 years of age and the elderly, a person who is suffering from any disease is also most at risk. Healthcare workers are also at the highest risk of getting infected with influenza.

How does it spread
It is a viral disease, so they can be easily transferred to each other. According to WHO, it easily spreads its legs in crowded places. When a person infected with H3N2 influenza coughs or sneezes, its droplets can spread up to one meter in the air. This virus can also spread by touching an infected surface.

Precautions against influenza
Avoid going to crowded places and wear a mask if you go.
Try not to touch your eyes and nose again and again.
Keep a handkerchief on the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing or keep them covered.
Avoid shaking hands as much as possible.

Avoid spitting in a public place.
Do not take antibiotics or medicines without a doctor's advice.
How dangerous is influenza
According to health experts, most people recover from influenza without medical care, but in some cases, it can be dangerous and even fatal. According to an estimate, 30 to 50 lakh cases of serious illness are reported every year in the world, out of which 2.90 lakh to 6.50 lakh deaths occurs.