Many traffic rules have been made keeping road safety in mind. The purpose of making these rules is to reduce road accidents. If a driver breaks traffic rules while driving on the road. In such a situation, his challan is issued. In today's modern era, monitoring of road rules is being considered through new technologies. It is often seen that the traffic police instead of stopping the vehicle. She takes his photo and issues a challan. Many times the vehicle number is not visible in the photo. In such a situation, the person whose challan has to be deducted. Someone else's challan is issued in his place. If the traffic police have issued you a wrong challan. In such a situation, you do not need to worry. In this series, let us know how you can avoid such challans -

If the traffic police have issued you the wrong challan. In such a situation, instead of getting worried, you can complain to the Traffic Commissioner, SP Traffic, or the concerned officer. By complaining here you can avoid paying a fine.

You also have another option to avoid such challenges. You can also lodge your complaint on the traffic police mail id Apart from this, you can also make your complaint to the Traffic Police Control Room number 11-2584-4444,1095.

Apart from all this you also have the option of social media. You can make your complaint by tagging the concerned department or concerned officer. In this way wrongly deducted challan can be avoided.

If your wrongly deducted challan has gone to court. In such a situation, you can get the wrongly deducted challan canceled by presenting your point in court.
​(PC: Freepik)