Lakhs of people travel by train every day in India. Many times people's belongings are stolen on trains, and many times people's phones are stolen. But what if your phone falls from a moving train? It is possible that your phone suddenly falls out of your hand on the train and it falls out of the window.

What will happen if the train chain is pulled?

If the four falls, you will panic and may pull the chain of the train. But let us tell you that if you pull the chain of a train, you may have to pay a fine as well as go to jail.

For this, there is a punishment of 1 year or a fine of up to Rs 1000. Therefore, today we are going to give you some information with the help of which you will be able to get your phone back.

What to do if your phone falls from a train?

  • If your phone has fallen from a moving train, then the first thing you have to do is pay attention to the pole on the side of the railway track. Here you will see a number written or you can note down the number of the side track. This will help you tell where exactly the phone fell on the track.
  • You can call the All India Security (Railway Protection Force) helpline number 182. If you do not get help from here, you can also seek help from the Government Railway Police. For this, you have to call number 1512.
  • Apart from this, you can also call Rail Passenger Helpline number 138.
  • But the police can only search your belongings. If your phone is picked up by someone else before the police arrive, the police or railway officials will not be held responsible for it.
  • Therefore, if you are travelling by train, do not use your phone by keeping it near the window.