Indian Railway Bharti 2024: If you want to work in the post of apprentice in Indian Railways, then fill out the form for these vacancies immediately. Applications have been pending for a long time and now the last date to apply is nearing.

These vacancies have been released by South East Central Railway. Under this, qualified candidates will be appointed to a total of 733 apprentice posts. We are sharing their details here.

One can apply for these recruitments only online. To do this you will have to go to the official website of South East Central Railway, .

The last date to apply is 12 April 2024. As you can see, there is only a little time left before the last date, so do not delay and apply immediately.

To apply, the candidate must pass 10th from a recognized board. Besides, he should also have ITI certificate in the relevant field.

The age limit has been fixed at 15 to 24 years, which will be counted from April 12, 2024. Other details related to eligibility can be seen on the website.

There is no need to give any kind of examination for selection. Candidates will be selected based on merit only.

To know any more details or updates about SECR Apprentice posts, keep visiting the official website so that you do not miss any updates.