Have you ever used ice cubes to bring a glow to your face, reduce puffiness, before setting makeup or reduce or close open pores? Don't worry; most of us women have tried this recipe. It is believed that ice cubes are used to tighten the face by closing the open pores but does it work?

Celebrity dermatologist DrChitraAnand explains, 'You can reduce these open pores to a great extent. The cold action of ice closes the blood vessels under the skin, making the pores appear tighter and smaller.

Do you know about ice therapy? Do you know how ice cubes reduce open pores? Let's go to this article

Let us learn in detail about ice therapy and how to use it for open pores.

What is Ice therapy?

Cold/ice therapy is used to reduce blood flow by constricting or closing blood vessels. Rubbing an ice cube on your face after a busy day can give you instant stress relief. It increases blood circulation on your face and makes it glow. The application of ice to an area of ​​the body for health purposes is also known as cold therapy or cryotherapy.

Are pores smaller than an ice cube?

The tiny holes in your skin where hair grows are called pores. They play an important role in skin health by releasing sebum, the natural oil that keeps your skin soft and smooth. Pores usually appear on the cheeks. When these pores get clogged, dead skin cells, oil and dirt get accumulated in them which make them bigger. There are some other factors including genetics and beauty products which make these pores bigger.

This is the reason why ice cubes are known to reduce the size of pores. Ice cubes can effectively remove dirt and unclog pores. The best part is that ice cubes can be used on all skin types, be they sensitive or acne-prone skin.

Benefits of applying ice cube on the face-

1. Can cure acne

Ice is anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce and heal acne. It soothes inflamed skin and helps a lot in reducing the size of your pores. Not only this, but it also reduces excess sebum production which is the main reason behind pimples.

2. Provides glowing skin

Who doesn't want glowing and glowing skin? Applying ice on the face improves blood circulation in your skin and improves skin tone. It also improves the oxygen level in the skin and supplies essential nutrients, and vitamins.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Puffy eyes can be caused by a number of reasons, but the most common causes are lack of sleep and eye strain. Ice has anti-inflammatory properties and thus reduces puffy eyes. You can add a little black coffee to your ice cube and you will see results very fast.

How to apply ice on the face?

Keep one thing in mind do not rub the ice cube directly on your face. Instead, wrap an ice cube in a cloth and gently apply it to the open pores. You can freeze ice cubes of aloe vera gel and apply it on your skin. This will not only reduce the size of the pores but will also make your skin soft and nourished.

You can also use ice cubes to reduce open pores. If you have any skin-related problems, then before applying it, take the advice of your dermatologist.

Image Credit: Freepik


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