In today's time, someone in every household is struggling with some or the other health problem. In such a situation, to overcome your health problem, you must take medicine at the right time. But most people refrain from using allopathy as a medicine. There are many such ingredients in the kitchen itself, which work like magic to cure the disease.

From ancient times to the present day, people have created and used natural home remedies for many different ailments. The biggest advantage of these natural medicines made at home is that they do not have any side effects on the body and they are completely safe. Most home remedies are prepared and used immediately. At the same time, some remedies are also prepared and stored. But once they are made, it is very important to store them properly, so that they can affect the body. So, today in this article, we are telling you about storing these home remedies properly-

Label first

When you are storing home remedies, this is the first and foremost step that should be taken care of. Home remedies made from herbs to other ingredients also have their own shelf life. Therefore, be sure to label any prescription before storing it. This will make it easier for you to know which problem your home remedy solves and for how long you can use it. Try that during labelling you must also write about its quantity.

Dry container

Whenever you are storing your home remedy, make sure that your container is very clean and dry. If you want, before keeping the home remedy in any container, wash it thoroughly and let it dry in the sun for two days. This greatly reduces the chances of spoilage of the medicine. If you are preparing medicine in powder form, then it can also be kept in a zip-lock bag.

How to store herbs

If you are storing prescriptions made from herbs and essential oils, keep in mind that you keep them away from direct light and heat. A cool and dark place is considered best for this type of homemade medicine. You can easily store them there. Keep in mind that the health benefits of these herbal preparations are reduced if they are not stored properly.

Do not store at these places

  • There are many places where it is advised not to store these home remedies. Instance-
  • They should never be placed above or right next to appliances that lock in heat and moisture, such as the stove, dishwasher or refrigerator.
  • Apart from this, keeping them next to the bathroom or shower should also be avoided. Bathrooms can get hot because of the steam. Due to this, their effectiveness decreases.
  • Avoid keeping your home remedies at such a place in the house where small children can reach them. Many times children take these unknowingly and if they consume any wrong medicine then it can cause them problems.

So now by adopting these tips, store home remedies properly and say bye-bye to all your health problems in a natural way.

Image Credit – freepik


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.