Many students dream of clearing the UPSC exam, but not every student can complete it. Every year lakhs of students prepare for this exam for some seats. Only those students who prepare with discipline and smartness can succeed in this exam.

If you are dreaming of becoming an IAS, then we will tell you how you can prepare for the UPSC exam after the 12th. Let us know about the important tips from Pradeep Verma, Coaching Director of IAS Foundation, Lucknow, who prepare for the UPSC exam.

1. Know about important topics

To score good marks in the UPSC exam it is important to know current affairs but along with that, you should also know about important topics. If you know the important topics, then you can score better in this exam.

While selecting the subject for the UPSC Mains exam, also keep in mind that it should interest you and it will help you prepare better. Also, you will be able to find out what are the important topics from the question papers of the last few years.

2. Discipline and smart preparation are essential

If you want to be successful in clearing the UPSC exam, then it is very important to study smartly. Also, one should prepare with discipline. According to Coaching Director Pradeep Verma, to clear the UPSC exam, you must stay focused towards your goal and concentrate on studying and understanding the concepts, because this exam is not an exam in which you get success by rote learning. You have to find a smart way to study every topic so that you can prepare in less time. To do smart study, you also have to make a timetable, by following which you can prepare for UPSC in a better way.

3. Writing Practice

You have to practice writing as well as reading because after clearing the pre-exam, you have to appear for the mains exam, in which you have to write. If you do not practice writing, then your writing style will not improve and your marks may also decrease.

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