Most people feed bananas to their small children. After 6 months, banana is started to be fed to the small child. It is very beneficial for their health, but it is important to keep some things in mind while feeding them banana. Let us tell you today about some miraculous benefits of banana...

If your small child is suffering from cough or cold, then do not give him banana at all. If reports are to be believed, this will make cough more dangerous, which can cause a lot of trouble to the child.

When your child starts eating solid things, then you can include banana in his diet.

Do not feed too many bananas to your child, doing so may kill his appetite. This may reduce their appetite for milk and other things.

For the first time, feed banana to your child by mashing it or making a paste, by doing this he can eat it easily.

Do not give banana to your child at night. Doing this can cause problems like bolting and gas.

Feed only fully ripe banana to your children because in such a situation it becomes easier for the child to digest.

(PC: Freepik)