We all know that there are two types of cholesterol, good and bad, in the body. Let us tell you that due to the increase of LDL cholesterol, dirt starts accumulating in the body. Due to this, the risk of closure of veins increases. Due to this, there is a problem in the flow of blood in the veins. Bad cholesterol builds up a plaque at one place in the body and sometimes the pieces of this plaque start flowing in the blood and get deposited in the veins of the brain. Because of this, increasing cholesterol in the brain causes a stroke. Due to its increase, the vein of the brain starts closing and sometimes it becomes so much that it also bursts the vein. Increasing cholesterol in the brain can also be fatal later.

How to control cholesterol
One should try to reduce the increasing cholesterol in the body as soon as possible. The best way to control the rising cholesterol in the body is to maintain our diet. Apart from this, one thing kept in the kitchen can help in reducing cholesterol in your body. Cinnamon is generally used in every household. Let us tell you that cinnamon is used to make many Ayurvedic medicines. According to research, cinnamon powder can prove helpful in reducing LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

Benefits of Cinnamon Powder
By reducing bad cholesterol in the body, cinnamon powder removes the risk of many problems including brain hemorrhage, heart attack, and stroke. Triglyceride and bad cholesterol are believed to be behind most heart-related diseases. Apart from this, cinnamon also shows effects against seasonal diseases during the changing season and strengthens immunity.