You will crack CAT exam in the first attempt without going for coaching, these easy tips and tricks will be useful

CAT Exam is included in the difficult examinations of the country. If you are also preparing for this, then you need to prepare better for this. You can crack this exam in the first attempt with better time management and good preparation.

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IIM and IIT both are counted among the premier institutes of the country. Let us tell you that every year lakhs of students appear for the entrance examination for both these institutions. Not only Indian but also foreign students give the entrance exam here. However, here we are going to tell you some important things regarding appearing in the examination of IIM institutes.

How should one strategize to get into IIM, how should one prepare for the mock test and also which admission test can one crack to reach here. If you follow these tips then you can get admission here without coaching.

Preparation through mock test

Before going to any big exam, it is very important to understand about it. For this, mock tests are also available on the internet. Therefore, if you are preparing for a big institute like IIM, then definitely solve mock tests. With this you will also know how to solve the paper and will also understand the pattern of questions.

Stay away from negativity

If you are preparing for a big exam then keep the environment around you positive. Negative environment makes it difficult to prepare and brings negativity. This also makes it difficult for you to focus. Try to give as much time as possible to practice. This will also eliminate the fear from your mind.

Time management

If you want to be successful in big exams then respect your time. Time management is very important while preparing for the exam. This gives you confidence that you will be able to solve the questions on time. With this, you will be able to solve questions well. Therefore, set a timer before solving the sample paper.

Along with this, you should also take the help of internet for IIM preparation, so that your information is not limited to sample papers only. You can follow professionals and watch their