The spring season is almost over and the hot summer season has arrived. Although the summer season is not considered good in terms of food and drink, some things of this season are so interesting that you keep waiting for them. Mangoes are such things that people eagerly wait for summer to eat. In summer, our appetite gets affected. Whereas, the king of fruits with its taste and health benefits makes sure that you can have something to eat even on those days when you don't feel like eating anything.

Benefits of mango
Mango is as delicious as it is full of qualities, which give many benefits to your health. Mangoes are a storehouse of nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber that boost energy. It prevents digestive problems like constipation. The fruit which contains Vitamin A and C in sufficient quantity can work wonders for your skin and hair as well. Some studies have also suggested the benefits of this wonderful summer fruit for heart health and lowering cholesterol levels.

Why mango should be soaked before eating
While many prefer to refrigerate their mangoes after buying them from the market, others soak them in a deep container before storing and eating them. Does soaking fruits for a few hours make sense or is it just a myth? Let's know why people do this: -

According to experts, mangoes are not only tasty but also full of nutrients. They provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost the immune system and promote good health. It is important to eat fruit in the right way. Mangoes must be soaked before use, doing so helps in getting the right nutrition.

Mangoes contain phytic acid and soaking mangoes helps in reducing the phytic acid which acts as an anti-nutrient and reduces the absorption of nutrients in our body. Soaking mangoes helps in increasing the activity of an enzyme that helps in breaking down phytic acid. Along with this, many times they use carbide to cook mangoes, which produces heat in the stomach and also causes much damage to the health. Keeping the mango soaked brings out its heat.

According to experts, soaking mangoes before eating them is an age-old tradition followed by people and there is a good reason behind it. Basically, if we soak mangoes then this process helps in removing the anti-nutrients. Antinutrients hinder the absorption of certain nutrients. Iron, calcium, etc. Soaking mangoes for 3-4 hours is enough food to remove pesticides as well. You can soak them in normal tap water.

(PC: Freepik)