It often happens that suddenly you have to travel by train, but you do not find a vacant seat on the train. You try to book tickets online or offline, but this is also not possible.

This is because you can get the train ticket only till 2 hours before the train departure i.e. 2 hours before the train starts. In such a situation, if you still have to travel by train, then you do not need to worry.

In today's article, we will tell you how you can find a vacant seat on a moving train.

Information will be available from here

  • If you are travelling by train without a ticket, you can find the vacant seat yourself. For this, first of all, you have to go to the official website of IRCTC
  • On the website, you will see a book ticket written, above that you will see the option of chart and vacancy. click here.
  • After clicking on the chart and vacancy bar, the reservation chart and journey details tab will open in front of you.
  • Now you have to fill in the details of the train on which you are travelling, the train number, which station you are at and the date of the journey.

After filling in all the details you have to click on search. Here you will now get information about which seat is vacant in which compartment and which station is vacant.

This data is based on a system, so you can find out even before the first chart is created. The first chart is prepared 4 hours before the departure of the train. In this, information about vacant seats is given. But many times it happens that people book tickets, but due to some reason is not able to travel. In such a situation, their seat remains vacant, and then TTE updates this information online under another chart which you can detect among the moving trains.

Image Credit- Freepik