Photo Credit: Jagran

We all know very well that for good health it is very important to have a strong body and sharp mind and for this, it is necessary to have Vitamin D in sufficient quantity in the body. If there is a deficiency of this important nutrient in our body, then both our body and mind become weak. Sunlight is generally used to obtain Vitamin D, but if you want to get this nutrient by eating something, then consuming oranges can prove to be the best for you. Let us know about it in detail through this article -

Photo Credit: Jagran

* Vitamin D is found in abundance in oranges:

Generally, you would know center as Vitamin C food but do you know that this sweet and sour fruit is considered rich in Vitamin D. Apart from this, drinking center juice provides a lot of benefits to the body. Let us tell you that drinking about 250 ml of orange juice provides 100 IU of Vitamin D. Orange is a great fruit to fulfill the deficiency of this nutrient.

* Benefits of Vitamin D:

1. Bones become stronger.

2. Heart-related diseases stay away.

3. The risk of depression is reduced.

4. Mood remains better

. 5. Helps in reducing weight.

Photo Credit: Redcliffe Labs

* Eat oranges for fiber:

Let us tell you that orange is a fruit which you can consume in every season. If it is consumed without extracting juice, then the body gets ample amount of fiber which helps you in eliminating the problems related to digestion.