As soon as the summer season comes, everyone gets worried about their skin. Because of this, he searches for different prescriptions. Most of these grandmother's recipes are searched. If they are also not available, then with the help of videos found online or by asking relatives, many people prepare the product at home. Due to this their skin always remains healthy.

If you want that the natural beauty of your skin should also be maintained, then try our mentioned tips once for that. With this, you will also be saved from the cost of expensive products and your skin will also look very glowing. So let's know how you can easily prepare this serum at home.

Serum for oily skin

If your skin is oily, then you are going to have a lot of trouble in the summer season. Like the problem of acne and pimples. Due to this most of the girls are upset. Because of that, she is not able to maintain the glow of her skin. If you want to get rid of it, then try the method of making homemade serum that we are going to tell you at home. After which your skin will never be dull and sticky again.

Ingredients for Homemade Serum

  • 2 tbsp cucumber juice
  • 2 tbsp green tea
  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 1 tbsp rice water
  • 1 tbsp fennel water
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil

How to make Homemade Serum

To make this cream, first, you have to take a bowl. First, add 2 tbsp cucumber juice, 2 tbsp green tea, and 2 tbsp coconut oil. Now mix it well. When it is mixed, add some rice and fennel water to it and boil it well after that let it cool down. When it cools down properly, store it in a container. After which you can apply it anytime because this will make your skin look very glowing.

Serum for dry skin

The problem of dry skin starts as soon as the summer starts. Because of this girls think many times to get out of the house. In such a situation, you can prepare homemade face serum with ingredients found in the kitchen at home. It makes the skin very shiny.

Ingredients for Homemade Serum

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp raw milk
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

How to make Homemade Serum

To make the serum, you must first take a bowl. You have to add two tablespoons of olive oil. After that add 1 tbsp lemon juice and mix this mixture well. After this add two tablespoons of milk. Keep in mind that milk should be raw. Mix the mixture and heat it on the gas. Let it boil well. When it boils, let it cool down. Keep in mind that let it remain in more liquid foam. Only then store it in a tight container. After this, apply it morning and evening. Your skin will become nice and soft.

Note- Before adopting the above-mentioned tips, you must do a skin patch test. Everyone's skin is different; we are not claiming that the above-mentioned tips will give you instant benefits. You must consult your skin expert once and then use them.


  • Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.