The risk of many diseases increases in the winter season. The problem of tonsillitis is seen due to flu and infection. This is a problem which causes swelling in the throat. Very severe pain is experienced. Even swallowing water and spit causes pain. Sometimes this also causes fever and ear pain. If you too are troubled by the problem of tonsillitis during the winter season, then you can get relief with the help of these home remedies.

What is tonsil?

Tonsils are located inside your mouth on both sides of your throat which protect you from external infections. We know the infection in the tonsils as tonsillitis.

Home remedies to relieve tonsil pain

  • You can gargle with salt water. This helps in treating the infection. The growth of germs and bacteria stuck in the throat stops. For this, put one spoonful of salt in a glass of hot water and boil it well. Now gargle with it two or three times a day. This can provide relief from pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar can also help reduce infection. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which can help in relieving tonsil pain. For this, mix half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in some warm water and gargle with it. Repeat this process at least twice every day.
  • Basil leaves can also provide relief from pain. Anti-inflammatory agents are present in it. Along with this, it contains antivirus, antiseptic, and anti-bacterial properties. Take 10 to 12 basil leaves, put them in water and boil. Now filter the water take it out in a glass add lemon juice to it and consume it.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties are found in ginger, which can help in reducing swelling. In such a situation, add grated ginger to a cup of boiled water and add one spoonful of honey. Now filter it and drink it.

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