The underarms are an area where sweating occurs very quickly. Sweating causes stickiness and a foul smell. Deodorants and antiperspirant roll-ons are a very temporary solution. Despite the use of perfumes and deodorants, some people may feel uncomfortable.

Someday, if it is late to wake up, then we leave for the office in a hurry without taking a bath and are troubled by the smell of armpits for the whole day. When we sweat, then due to the mixing of sweat with the bacteria of the skin, a foul smell starts coming. If you also have to face this problem from time to time, then you must try these remedies once.

Reasons for sticky underarms

Before knowing the remedy, let us know why the underarms start getting sticky. Sweat is not the only reason for this-

Underarms are sticky due to soap residue

After showering, sometimes the underarms get sticky. This is because the soap or body wash you have used has not cleaned it properly. The oils and other ingredients in these cleansing products leave a residue on the skin, making it sticky.

Underarms are sticky due to bathing with hard water

Hard water can also make your skin sticky. This is because it contains high levels of minerals, calcium and magnesium. These things react with the soap and form scum. Due to this, a residue remains on the skin, which is not easy to clean.

Humid weather causes sticky underarms

In hot and humid weather, there is already moisture in the air. Due to this, the evaporation of sweat is obstructed. Because of this, rapid perspiration accumulates on the skin. This is the reason that even after bathing many times, the skin feels sticky in the humidity and heat.

Ways to remove odour and stickiness from underarms-

As we have told you that when we sweat, the bacteria present on the surface of our skin break down the proteins. Because of this, some acid compounds are released, which gives a strong smell. To overcome this, you can take the help of home remedies-

Remove the stickiness of underarms with rose water

Due to the anti-inflammatory and cooling properties of rose water, it is a good option for the skin. It can help to improve skin tone and remove greasiness apart from removing odour.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 tbsp rose water
  • 1 tbsp potato juice
  • cotton swab

Method to prepare and apply-

  • Mix both the ingredients in a bowl and apply this mixture after cleaning and drying your underarms with wet wipes.
  • After this leave it like this for 20 minutes. After that wipe it again with a clean and wet cloth.
  • By doing this daily, the blackness of your underarms will go away. Also, there will be no odour and no stickiness.

Get rid of sticky underarms with green tea and apple cider vinegar

Green tea is known for its antioxidant and detoxifying abilities. You can use it comfortably for skin care. Apple cider vinegar, on the other hand, has antibacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria that cause underarm odour.

Ingredients required-

  • 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 tbsp green tea
  • 2 tbsp water

Method to prepare and apply-

  • First mix apple cider vinegar and water together. After this add lukewarm green tea and mix it.
  • Now clean the underarms and apply this mixture with the help of cotton and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe it off with a clean cloth after 15 minutes. You can also try this recipe daily. Gradually you will get to see its good results.